Hyd yma ni ddych'mygodd dyn

(Dyfnderoedd gras)
Hyd yma, ni ddych'mygodd dyn,
  Dan entrych awyr las,
Y fath ddyfnderoedd hyfryd sydd
  Mewn gwaredigol ras.

Ni fu trugaredd faith, na gras,
  Na chariad îs y nef,
Yn mhlith angylion ucha'u gradd,
  Cyffelyb sy ynddo ef.

O annherfynol fôr didrai,
  O haeddiant ac o ras,
'Dall tragwyddoldeb, er ei hyd,
  Ei ffeindio fyth i maes.

Ac yn ei gariad dwfn a maith,
  Mi nofiaf tua'r nef; 
Ac nid oes dymmhestl fyth, na thon, 
  Yn rhuo ynddo ef. 

A châf, ar ol blinderau maith, 
  Yn hyfryd lanio draw; 
Ac yfed gwleddoedd sanctaidd, pur, 
  Ryw d'dedwydd ddydd a ddaw.
- - - - -

(Doethineb Duw)

Hyd yma, ni ddych'mygodd dyn
  O dan yr awyr lâs,
Y fath ddoethineb hyfryd sy
  Mewn gwaredigol râs.

Ni fu doethineb maith, na grâs,
  Na chariad îs y nef,
Ymhlith angylion ucha'u gradd,
  Gyffelyb sy ynddo ef.

O annherfynol fôr didrai,
  O ddyfais ac o râs,
Na ddichon tragwyddoldeb maith,
  Eu chwilio byth i maes!
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Christchurch (<1876)
Gloucester (Salmydd Ravenscroft 1621)
St Ann (William Croft 1678-1727)

gwelir: Mae ynddo drugareddau fil

(The depths of grace)
So far, man has not imagined,
  Under the vault of blue sky,
The kind of delightful depths which are
  In delivering grace.

Neither vast mercy, nor grace,
  Nor love under heaven, were
Amongst angels of highest degree,
  Comparable to that in him.

From a boundless, unebbing sea,
  From virtue and from grace,
Eternity cannot, despite its length,
  Ever find it out.

And in his deep and vast love,
  I will swim towards heaven;
An there is never any tempest, nor wave,
  Roaring in him.

And I will get, after extensive griefs,
  Delightfully to land yonder;
And drink holy, pure feasts,
  Some happy day to come.
- - - - -

(The wisdom of God)

So far, man has not imagined
  Under the blue sky,
The kind of delightful wisdom there is
  In delivering grace.

Neither vast wisdom, nor grace,
  Nor love under heaven, were
Amongst angels of highest degree,
  Comparable to that in him.

From a boundless, unebbing sea,
  From scheme and from grace,
A vast eternity is not sufficient,
  Ever to search them out!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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